Saturday, December 25, 2010

To Our Special Friends

To all our special friends whom we have grown to appreciate and share moments, stories and daily life with, may you have a Merry Christmas celebration today with your loved ones.
Let's keep this day, special with purpose.


Steve Cotton said...

Thanks for the photograph, but, even more, for the sentiment.

I trust you are having a good Christmas.

Calypso said...

Merry Christmas Tancho to you and your family! Maybe we will meet up in 2011 ;-)

Tancho said...

Thank you all, that's a good goal to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Hola Tancho
Soory about the rant, I'm happy that eeryone took it in the Spirit it was offered.
I have had a wondeful holiday and hope that All of you did too.
Merry Christmas, Good Yule, belated happy Hanukah, a wonderful Qwanza, and to all a Healthy Proseprous and Safe New Year.


Tancho said...

And a Merry Christmas to you also Anthony!
Please do not apologize for you posting.
One of the reasons bloggers take the time and effort to write and contribute to their blogs ( at least I do ) is because of the friendships and comments that are shared and donated to their blogs.
Without "rants" as you so describe your contribution, the blogs would be boring diatribes without purpose and substance. I only wish that more people would take the time and effort to leave comments which would let the writers know that their efforts are worth it.
I see many blogs where the writer receives very few comments or responses, then after awhile they diminish in both quality and publications, because they felt as no won was reading their efforts. Many people all of a sudden come out of the woodwork when then say they are hanging it up, then they ask them not to do so.
So, please be assured that we enjoy and value your "rants" which are fuel for our enjoyment of doing them.
Sorry for my "rant"......
Enjoy the rest of the year, hopefully 2011 will have some positive changes that we can all use!

Lafontaine said...

Positive rant about a rant my bloggerman. I enjoy the blog and especially comments from your reader. This is my first comment, perhaps I will chime in at some point when I have something important to say. But you are right, it is the interaction that makes these blogs worthwhile to read. And some of the catfights wildly entertaining.

JerryL said...

Have a great Holiday Season , we enjoy your musings.

Leslie Harris said...

Happy Holidays dear Tancho! (And familia!) :)

Don Cuevas said...

Stay warm in front of the fireplace.

Don Cuevas y Doña Cuevas

Tancho said...

To Lafontaine, L,Jerry and Leslie, best wishes may you receive, Sr Cuevas will include you and your Misses too!
LaFontaine, any relation to the master of voice overs who's voice thundered movie trailers and television teasers for years?
The last week has been one of the coldest that I remember for the Christmas season. We have gone through many trips of log fetching. Hopefully it will warm up a little, if not then a short trip the coast is in the future.

lafontaine said...

No, no relationship. I get asked that question a few times a year. I wish I had a voice like he thundered though.