Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well after being away from home couple of months, I thought everything would be OK.....


We return to find out that we have no water.
We return to find out someone stepped on one of the water pipes at the tanks and broke the connection to a rather fast leak.
We return to find out we have no satellite TV or Music.
We return and find out our gate remote control entering the property no longer works.
We return and find out that a marauder in the night stole 1 ton of planted potatoes one night.
We return and find out that someone picked 50 kilos of chilies during our absence, ones that were ready to sell at very good money....seems there is a shortage of Manzana chilies , so the price is very good.

So anyway, I just repaired the gate remote control, seems a lighting strike or power surge wiped out the receiver, lucky that I had a spare.

I was also lucky to have a spare water pump that is powered by Solar, so that is now very slowly filling up 4 2500 gallon tanks, we may have enough water by nightfall to take a shower. Turned a couple of valves to isolated the broken pipe so at least on tank is filling up now. After changing the pump that no longer worked....

The satellite TV dish was used as a gymnasium set by some kids visiting our caretaker, so that will be about an afternoons work to repair and realign the dishes. Besides there is not much except a few programs that are worth watching anyway, gives me more time to read on my new Kindle.

Perhaps I will just make that a real low priority for awhile, I find that I get more reading and stuff done around the house when there is no TV. And less stress from watching the horrible politics...

There is something for living in a tiny little apartment, walking distance to the mercado and plaza......

But without those constant obstacles what would life be?


Oh, and I finally got to take a nice long hot shower, had a nice cup of coffee this morning , life is good again..



One Small Voz said...

Perhaps next time have a trusted friend or neighbor watch the place. When the cat's away...

Calypso said...

Ouch hombre - reads as if your "caretaker" (I must assume is very part time) needs to spend more time there WITHOUT the ninos.

We had 80 acres in Colorado until we sold in August of 2007 (JUST before the housing crash thank goodness).

We have one casa with a hectare of land (mostly wild, but a lot of lawn to mow as well ;-(. Then we also had a 1/4 acre in a barrio that needs to be cut back regularly - ugh!

Now we are renting in town where we also have to weed eat (bought a new killer Stihl weedeater last time in the U.S.) NOW we are looking for one of those postage stamp lot places where we can scoot around everywhere.

The meaning here - we keep reducing the land care area - just too old to want to do that anymore - AND gardeners are cheap and horrible workers -

Sorry to be so wordy - must be the coffee - Welcome home is what I meant to say ;-)

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your misfortune! What does your "caretaker" have to say about all of it??

Paul said...

Hate to think what would have happened if you didn't have a caretaker.

Michael Dickson said...

What´s the moral of this story? Don´t leave for months on end. That´s what.

Tancho said...

The caretakers her are direct descendants of Sargent Schultz of Hogans Heroes.

I know nothing......

This is not unusual, Although disappointed and pissed off, it is not something to be surprised. Their attitude for the most part ( and I am sure that are really responsible ones) is oh well, and they just don't consider stuff as important as we were taught and nurtured with NOB.
In all the years going on 13 now, that we have owned the property we seem to have adapted to a "oh well" not to get stressed out too much attitude. But still, the stuff that happens would only not, if a vigilant 24 hour a day watch was done on the employees. That is not realistic. We may consider having someone sit the house next time, but I doubt stuff won't still happen.....
Hey it's Mexico.....
Calypso...when we purchased the land, I was much younger and had grandiose plans.....needless to say in my advancing years it is somewhat changing and my end result would be a lot more flexible in the big picture. I think you have the right idea, small, maintenance free is good..... is impossible to own land with a home and not have someone living on it....otherwise you could return to find either someone living in your house or a dozen or two houses on the land...
You have the right idea, and a beautiful house. Had time been different and we were doing it today, I think it would be a different picture..

Tancho said...

Yes Felipe, I know, I know, I know....
This was the first time that we have been gone so long, wife had some emergencies in Honduras.
Never again.....believe me. Leaving for such a long time is way too stressful.

Michael Dickson said...

They just don't consider stuff as important. They just don´t consider YOUR stuff as important. Their own stuff they will consider as important.

The Dodson's said...

Toncho, isn't it interesting how the culture down there draws you in? You long to stay because you want to minimize problems and you can have a relaxing lifestyle, both created by the culture. And NOB has culture that is full of different problems (hustle deals, in-your-face advertising you can't trust, way too much regulation, social media gone awry, politics, etc.)that don't carry as much concern SOB. You will fix your SOB problems and I'm guessing you will relax (w/ Kindle, no doubt) but when we fix problems NOB, I find it hard to relax.

I will retire soon and I'm drawn to the culture of SOB because I long to relax and I will fix my problems.

Tancho said...

Hurry up and retire Wm, times a wasting!
Well, we got all the important stuff fixed and today I enjoyed cooking dinner, (check out the recipe tomorrow) and even finish another book on the Kindle....
Life is good.