Wandering around the Sierra Madre Mountains, enjoying the 8500ft elevation and associated climate, we stop now and then to write a thought or two....
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
The Election ?
Sitting here looking at how various things transpired, I am saddened and at the same time joyed.
I am saddened that a dear friend of mine has won his bid for city council, I am sadden that he will undoubtedly get sucked into the quagmire of politics, but I am joyous for his win.
Kind of funny to have both emotions pull at your tendon that operates the facial muscles that cause one to sneer.....
Looking at California, is another mindbogglingly reaction. They elected a man who didn't do that good of a job the first two terms that he ran the state years ago. He then failed as a mayor of Oakland.... I will have to admit, probably no one could win in that city except General Patton or Fidel Castro.....
I am saddened that the populous of California had to choose between a lifelong politician who is now going to be the oldest governor in history and that of a person who had no stand on anything until the press starting asking her questions. Oh and she spent a monumental amount of her own money to try and buy an election..... Gazillions of dollars...that she made taking a penny at a time from each Ebay seller.....
I am saddened that they were the only choice.
It seems that there have been no statesman or politicians that people really want to put into office anymore.
It is always the lesser of two evils...
That is really sad.
Instead of looking at who could do the best of running a country or a state, it boils down to who is going to do the least amount of damage.
Then comes the fact that even if people do vote for something, there is a good chance that it will never come to fruition, because the other side will file a lawsuit.
Kind of make the whole thing a joke........
Somehow, somewhere, it got out of control.. ...yeah that's it... it was my parents fault for voting for some schmuck that changed it all....
Looking at the TV the other day, it was Ad Nauseam. One political ad after another. It use to be people voted on a platform one way or another and there were debates, people talked, people discussed, now people attack.
Time to go read a book on my Kindle..........
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The news media, my old occupation, are largely responsible for the pathetic quality of public servants these days.
Years back, the media were far less intrusive in the lives of people running for office. The media concentrated on reporting things about candidates and public officials that mattered, things that had something to do with public service.
Now the media try to dig up every little piece of trivial gossip they can find about candidates, the type of information that once was ignored for being of no importance to the matter at hand.
Many Americans did not know FDR could hardly stand up on his two feet, that he was in a wheelchair.
Since the media turned into a wolf pack, most good people now refuse to run for public office. Because nobody´s past is squeaky clean.
Instead we get self-obsessed millionaires, zealots and utter goofballs.
You are right Felipe, there use to be universal respect for people in general. I remember during my brief news cameraman days, no one would even think of sticking a camera in the face of someone at an accident or at a crime scene where family members were involved. Nowadays it's all done, upset the family, show no respect for the dead, expose every last inch of information no matter who it may harm or offend....
A matter of respect....and not being rude, being polite, showing class....all gone.
California will be very interesting to watch in the future. We have reelected our legislators who we want to fix our system. But more than most other states, California is racing toward an economic collapse. There are a number of reasons for this but one big one is because we will NOT be able to fulfill mandated public employee pensions!.
So, we still have a legislature that is supported by unions but now we only need a simple majority to pass a budget. Let's see - we need more money and we have a union supported legislature, I wonder where they will find the money? Oh, wait, I forgot that they might revise the existing pension obligations to balance the budget.
I must be getting too jaded in my old age. Public service has become how to play the system instead of how to fix the system. You would think that we would get it right after over 235 years but we only manage to make it worse. Makes me afraid that real change can only happen with real collapse. Wm
Oh William, why do not oother California residents understand the situation as you do?
California is indeed in a spiral downward thinking that the money is going to materialize over night. One extremely funny thing was that Healdsburg city council was happy to have two retired public service employees on their council now. Can you imagine that a retired police chief and a retired fire captain will now be in-charge of figuring out where to make cuts? Isn't that like putting the fox in charge of the hen house?
At some point this will just compound the problems, but I guess the unions will have a solution then....I am glad that my California days are behind me...I pity the voters at this point. They deserve what they get.....
Fret not. Jerry Brown will solve all financial problems. You bet.
And don´t forget the old saw: As California goes, so goes the nation.
Or something like that.
The up side of all this is that politicians are not our leaders. They never have been. Almost everything we do in our daily lives can be done without any help from the government. It was a fun hobby, but I am now enjoying life.
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