Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Regrets....a few...

As I was sitting around on the 1st of January thinking, which is sometimes dangerous, I remembered one thing over the years that keep haunting me. Ok, maybe not haunting me, but being reminded of, that haunting?

One of my friends also keeps telling me over and over that it would have been absolutely perfect.... that I missed an opportunity....

Yeah, I know, I miss a lot of opportunities.

Some people say that you shouldn't regret doing certain things that things and happenings always occur or result from what was supposed to be anyway.

Rubbish I say.

I know the reason why I didn't do it at the time, but now I know it would have been the right thing to do..... at least for myself. I think. But let's not second guess. Or maybe not....

The reason I didn't buy it because it was in the early days of having the property in Patzcuaro and we were occupied with the house construction, traveling back and to and I just didn't have too much extra time, all while still managing a business etc.....

I didn't have the foresight in how monumental a land mark it would have made.

Perhaps in the back of my mind, I knew that what we didn't need was a landmark advertising that some weird owner lived behind the land, behind this massive post.

But on the other hand, it would have been fun in having a iconic landmark from the Bay Area perched by our gate.

But now we strive to lead a low reason to bring attention to much of anything during these sensitive times. Don't want to advertise that there is some eccentric wacko Gringo nut job living on the property with such a massive display.

But I think the real reason was that it would have required fixing it, to restore it to its original state. For some reason they had turned it into a kiddie slide, cutting out a big panel on the back and sticking a slide inside, quite a maul job. It would have also been a big hassle to transport it. It would have required a flatbed truck and a group of semi crazed friends an afternoon.

My wife liked it because at the time we had three real live ones running around our ankles at home.

This big one in the back yard, would not have impacted the food budget at all....

They were only asking about 900 dollars for it. It was only about 10 or 11 ft tall, it needed to be mounted on a 4 or 5 inch steel post.

They only made about 30 of them, there are only about half a dozen left at this time.....

So, now I think I should have bought it.

That's my least for today, tomorrow I will think I did the right thing by not buying it.

I also thought of how I would declare it at the border……how do you get papers for something like that?

Can you imagine just telling someone, just go up the highway and when you see it, you've reached our driveway. That indeed would have been nice…. But then again it would have made it too obvious to our gate entrance.

It would have been a subtle way to mark the property.

After all dogs do mark their property, just look for El Gran Perro Salchicha

The head was the trademark of Doggie Diners. There were about 30 of them in the Bay Area in the 60’s. They were very popular Hot Dog stands that served up great Chili Dogs and Hamburgers. There were about 6 or 7 of them in the city. There are all gone now, except for a lone head or two around and sadly none in Mexico……

But it could have been………


Jerry L said...

I remember those heads in Berkeley, they had great food.
I saw some of those at Burning Man about 10 years ago.

Steve Cotton said...

But it would have made a great blog icon. You could have called him Ross Perro, The resemblance is uncanny.

Don Cuevas said...

Sorry; I ate the last Gran Perro Salchicha for lunch, with mustard, pickles, potato salad on the side and accompanied by a Cerveza Victoria.

We must get to Costco soon in order to restock.

Don Cuevas

Tancho said...

Now that you mention it Steve , you are right....same droopy cheeks etc.
Sr Cuevas, you mean you have found decent beef hot dogs? I have never tired the ones at Costco...I gave up on all the others years ago. I sometimes get Hebrew Nationals or Nathans smuggled down.....
Making my mouth water as I remember how good those taste compared to what Mexicans think Hot Dogs are....

Don Cuevas said...

Tancho, the Kirkland Brand All Beef Hot Dogs are in a vertical refrigerator or freezer case at Costco. I think they come in 3-pound packages. They are the same as those served at el fuente de sodas.

Johnsonville salchichas and Polish sausages (plus tasty Obertal brand chorizos "Españoles" and Argentinos) are available in the deli case close to the carnicería. I prefer the Kirkland dogs, but the Obertals are good for grilling.

Appropriate size buns for the long dogs are over on a shelf between the wines and the bakery.

I'm signing up people to take guided tours of Costco. Rates on request.

(Now I'd better hurry there before they sell out.)

Don Cuevas

Tancho said...

Thanks Sr Cuevas, I am familiar with the "Johnson" Brats and others, but what I will try first outside in their lunch counter is the Kirkland ones, in fact maybe today or tomorrow. The next question will be how well a 3 lb package will hold being partially frozen. I love good hot dogs, but doubt I could tackle 3lbs quick enough to curtail waste. Thank you for that valuable information.

Michael Dickson said...

That you even considered such a thing marks you as a questionable individual.

You are right that in Mexico it's best not to stand out.