One of the interesting things about the Internet is seeing various parts of the world with web cams.
Years ago, I found a web cam that was located on the 15th hole at a golf course on Maui. That must have been at least 15 years ago, it was one of very few web cams around. If I remember correctly it was at some University or Commercial installation next to the property. I enjoyed sitting at my desk, imagining that I was in Hawaii as I looked at the picture.
Not everybody had either the bandwidth or the hardware to do that.
Now I have an app on my Iphone that has web cams from around the world. Sometimes when I am in some meeting or bored I will click on that and see streets in Europe, Japan, New York and Tucson appear.
Now I can click and see Patzcuaro in streaming color.
There are actually two cameras in town that are shared. One is up at a hotel on the side of the mountain called Estribo which is north-west of town, the other is located right on the plaza at the hotel Mansion Irtube, pictured above.
The link to the Patzcuaro cams is : Patzcuaro Web Cams.
Click on the link and have a look-see !
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