Lots of friends would go to Hawaii, Mexico and other far off places in June, July and August.
Probably because they had children and the kids were in school.
Now is a different story, no kids at home but they still like to travel in June.
I would think that they would want to test the warm beaches of Mexico or Hawaii during November, December or January, but no......they want the hot humidity to bask in during June.
I would rather meet up with them during the off season and during the cooler months.
We get several phone calls....."Hey what are you guys doing next week? We're coming down to Mexico....."
Some friends we haven't hooked up with for many years and we feel a little guilty when they call and expect us to meet them in the hot, sweaty beaches.
Especially since these friends were flying into Ixtapa. Well at least it's not Acapulco were it's really hot and humid!
The question comes if how many days I can tolerate after enjoying cooler less humid days of mountain climate for the opportunity to be bombarded by noisy screaming kids and adults in overcrowded swimming pools while laying on chaise lounges being pummeled by an occasional wet beach ball.
Uuum, maybe one or two nights.
Ok, well you can't do para-sailing in the mountains, hey maybe there's a business for Patzcuaro, do hang-gliding off the high mountains overlooking the lake.....
Naw, not enough tourists.
So, we will be off next week to the coast.
Gotta find my beach ball.
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