Friday, November 28, 2008

Mountain Goats

We have a ranch and on our ranch we grow pine trees. We also grow lots of weeds, grass, thistles and myriads of unidentifiable vegetation.

We we first got the property 15 years ago we had it cleared real good.

During the last few years it has surpassed our expectations of our wild weed crop.

It was so bad that you could lose your children or a small car in the brush.

We hired local talent to stir the air with machetes.
That was our charity for the month.

The vegetation is growing again.

I need a weed eater. No the the one that has the revolving nylon string that whirls and stuff.

I was told that a good natural way to solve my problem and be good to the environment is to get a couple of goats.

I have started doing so research into being a goat farmer.

Goat milk and cheese is a great by product and relatively easy to manage for a neophyte.

I've received some information but am seeking more knowledge.

If you have some extra knowledge and you have the hankering to share, my vegetation and the ranch would sincerely appreciate it!

So would I.

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