Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's starting to look a little like Christmas...NOW

Yes, I know that NOB Christmas decorations have been out since September and in the big stores in Morelia, they started placing decorations in early October.

But in downtown Patzcuaro, they first had to take all the stuff down from the Revolution celebrations first.

You can't have conflict of Revolution vs Christmas, not in Mexico.....not done....

The Pope would never allow it.

So, last weekend while I was enjoying my cup of Chocolate Ice cream at my favorite McArches on the plaza, I noticed the municipal crew hanging the decorations.

Nice to see that at least they wait until mid to late November.....

And unlike NOB, they will be up until mid to late January.

Up North, they tear them down either right before New Years or a day or two after....

That's because they need the space and display areas for Valentines Day stuff.

Then don't forget St Patrick's day, the mandatory marketing blitz to keep and attract the attention of the shoppers, that ones that have withdrawal symptoms from Christmas.

They won't have long to wait, maybe 48 hours before the Easter Bunny shows up.

Except in Punzsutawney, where Ground Hog Day has a small regional following.

Nice to know that we have lots of stuff to celebrate and honor marketing efforts.

It was nice in the old days, when you wouldn't see a branch or even a colored light anywhere in sight until the first week of December.

Those were the dark ages I guess. It made the anticipation more special.

But maybe that was just me.

And if you're eating Turkey in the next day or so, let's stop and ponder for a minute and think about the real reason for both Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season.......

Sales, Marketing and Discounts..........

Just kidding.


Steve Cotton said...

I was chuckling to myself this week at Soriana. The background music was a bit hip. Then I noticed the tunes were updated Christmas songs. And all in English. AY!

Maybe I should have saved that tale for my blog. Never too late.

Tancho said...

Kind of ironic Steve, that we escape to Mexico, but it is being forced down by greed.
I assume it's greed or marketing quotas.
I can envision a board room, a wall chart and someone pointing to Latin America market share.....
Oh, I almost forgot, Happy Thanksgiving. Why they celebrate it in Mexico is beyond me, other than greed.......( sorry, market share)

JerryL said...

You know that the "Master Plan" is to have Canada,US & Mexico, all one country.
Many signs in the US are both in Spanish and English. I don't think it will be soon that in Mexico the signs will have English, unless you live in one of the US colonies.
Happy Holiday season to uze.