Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Patzcuaro Huh?

Well, why Patzcuaro, look it up! What you will find is that it is an old Colonial city, which means time stands still, at least in the city limits and surrounding area, hell, in 89 % of the country. The residents do not like change, and we just got our first street stop lights about 6 months ago, not that it makes much difference except for the people that are use to them, not much changes. Thats why we chose this area, and for a lot of other reasons. How about 8500 ft elevation at our house. So What? Well ask a cook in the kitchen it means a lot. Look at a box of cake mix next time and you will see that you have to adjust stuff for high elevations. It takes days for dried beans to cook unless you have a pressure cooker. Everyone has a pressure cooker here.
It took about 20 lbs of flour and 1 lb of yeast for me to get the bread making down to satisfactory results. I'm still working on the bagels.......
The weather is another reason. Not too hot, not to cold, not to rainy except between May and October in the afternoons, and not too dry except for the end of April when it hasn't rained for months......
There are a lot of other reasons........

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