Friday, November 21, 2008

Ruff Ruff on the Roof Roof

Mexico is the only place I have noticed roof dogs.
Maybe I don't look anywhere else or the roofs are always too tall to see, whatever it is there needs to be some explanations about the phenomenon.

Doing a search on the internet I discover that most of the pictures that show dogs on the roofs of houses..... are all in Mexico. there a cultural condition that displays this or just the need for separated spaces away from humans?

You tell me.

I'm glad that there is no access to our roof since some of our dogs refuse to wear their eyeglasses and would have an issue judging the distance to the terra firma.

Maybe you toss the pups on the roof and they simply adjust to the high life.

Just something you don't see in a average housing tract back in the old USA.

This roof in Santa Clara del Cobre had three, two wiener dogs and a scotty terrier.

I'll bet no one will steal the steel rebar stored on the roof.


Michael Dickson said...

I believe the locals do this for security. It´s a 24-hour burglar alarm with no monthly fee.

Animal abuse is rampant in Mexico. It´s pathetic.

Don Cuevas said...

It occurred to me that a certain unsavory by-product of roof dogs will flush down to the streets during the summer rains. Choose your path carefully and whatever you do, don't look up.
