Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Yes, I wear clean clothes....

I think it was fellow blogger Calypso posted a question  to see for all the laundry setup in addition to his kitchens and then dared others to pull down the shades and revieal our laundry setup.
I did give you a preview a couple of years ago when I had to repair the washer, but this photo shows the pair, along with the water heater etc.....

People were also showing their kitchens, and I had done that awhile ago, so if you want a peek, you can check out the Calypso blog for the link.
(Yes I am lazy to look that up)

Yesterday was the 2nd straight day that we have had sunshine!
I am really tired of the rain, but the country side is really beautiful, all green and plush October is probably one of the most vibrant months.....only problem is the temperature in the middle of the night, requires an additional blanket.
Wiener dogs just don't radiate much heat......

Our front courtyard fountain, which I need the energy to replace the fountain pump. Perhaps if it stays sunny another day or so, I can  save up enough energy to do that job.
Maybe not.....there's no hurry to have to done right away.

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